Re: beep

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This should produce a beep from the speaker.

---- code begins ----
include machine.e

procedure beep()
    sequence regs
    regs = repeat(0, 10)

    -- Write character in Teletype Mode
    -- video function E
    -- character 7 (bell, generates a 1/2 second beep using timer 2)
    regs[REG_AX] = #0E07
    regs = dos_interrupt(#10, regs)
end procedure

---- code ends ----

Unfortunately I am unable to test this, my own speaker is busted.
I Hope this helps, or even works! smile

                   _____         _____         _____
    ________      /\    \       /\    \       /\    \
   /   \    \    /  \____\     /  \____\     /  \____\
  /  _  \____\  /   / ___/_   /   /____/    /   / ___/_
 /  / \  |____|/   / /\____\ /    \    \   /   / /\____\
 \  \_/ /    / \   \/ / ___/_\     \    \  \   \/ / ___/_
  \    /____/   \    / /\    \\/\   \    \  \    / /\    \
   \   \    \    \   \/  \____\  \   \    \  \   \/  \____\
    \   \    \    \      /    /   \   \____\  \      /    /
     \   \____\    \    /    /     \  /    /   \    /    /
      \  /    /     \  /    /       \/____/     \  /    /
       \/____/       \/____/                     \/____/

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