Re: Help With My Game of Black Jack
- Posted by "Cuny, David at DSS" <David.Cuny at DSS.CA.GOV> Nov 30, 1999
David Roach wrote: > For instance pulling random cards > (I am only using cards 2-9 and jack, > queen, king, and an ace , four of each > of course, just to keep it simple), making > it where the computer will not [use] any one > card more than one time. I'll assume the cards are set up like this: -- WARNING! UNTESTED CODE! -- create a deck of cards sequence deckOfCards -- create the deck in order deckOfCards = {} for i = 1 to 52 do deckOfCards = i end for One option is to shuffle the deck: -- WARNING! UNTESTED CODE! function shuffle( sequence deck ) -- shuffle a deck of cards (integer) by swapping them integer tmp, card1, card2 -- shuffle them for i = 1 to length( deck ) do -- pick cards to swap card1 = rand( length( deck ) ) card2 = rand( length( deck ) ) -- swap the cards tmp = deck[card1] deck[card1] = deck[card2] deck[card2] = tmp end for return deck end function This gives you a list of cards that are shuffled. You can deal them sequentially. -- WARNING! UNTESTED CODE! -- shuffle the deck deckOfCards = shuffle( deckOfCards ) -- deal sequentially for i = 1 to length( deckOfCards ) do -- display the card printf( 1, "card #%d is %d\n", {i, deckOfCards[i]} ) end for Another option is to remove a card at random from the deck, until the deck is empty: -- WARNING! UNTESTED CODE! function removeNth( integer index, sequence s ) -- return the nth item, and the sequence with the nth item removed return { s[index], s[1..index-1] & s[index+1..length(index)] } end function function removeRandom( sequence s ) -- remove an item from the sequence at random return removeNth( rand(length( s )), s ) end function For example: -- WARNING! UNTESTED CODE! integer card sequence tmp for i = 1 to length( deckOfCards ) do -- draw a card at random tmp = removeRandom( deckOfCards ) card = tmp[1] deckOfCards = tmp[2] -- display the selection printf( 1, "card #%d is %d\n", {i, card } ) end for Hope this helps! [ SOAPBOX ] In both versions, it would be nice if Euphoria supported the syntax: { var list } = expr For example, the swap could have been written as: { deck[card1], deck[card2] } = { deck[card2], deck[card1] } Drawing a card would be: { card, deckOfCards } = removeRandom( deckOfCards ) -- David Cuny