Re: Time Calculation
- Posted by Liquid-Nitrogen Software <nitrogen_069 at HOTMAIL.COM> Nov 28, 1999
Thanks for everyone's help! here's what i managed to come up with if anyone's interested. It works for any time values. --t1 and t2 are: {hours, minutes, seconds, 0/1 (Am/Pm)} --returns the number of hours between t1 and t2 function time_difference(sequence t1, sequence t2) integer shour, smin, ssec, sampm integer ehour, emin, esec, eampm atom totals, totale -- give those var's some values. shour = t1[1] smin = t1[2] ssec = t1[3] sampm = t1[4] ehour = t2[1] emin = t2[2] esec = t2[3] eampm = t2[4] --swap am/pm with 12 hours so it'll add up right. if ehour = 12 then eampm = (not eampm) end if if shour = 12 then sampm = (not sampm) end if -- Get rid of the AMPM thing if eampm != sampm then ehour = ehour + 12 end if --convert to seconds and add them all up totals = ((shour * 60) + smin)*60 + ssec totale = ((ehour * 60) + emin)*60 + esec --convert to hours totals = totals / 60 / 60 totale = totale / 60 / 60 if totale = totals then -- start and finish at the same time return 24 elsif totals < totale then --start time and end time on same day. totale = totale-totals return totale else --start time and end times are on different days totale = (24-totals) + totale return totale end if end function --Mark --Liquid-Nitrogen