Win32Lib: PlaySound/setVisible solution
- Posted by "Brian K. Broker" <bkb at CNW.COM> Nov 02, 1999
You will need to redefine xPlaySound as a function in Win32lib (if you don't have a registered version of Euphoria, you could just make up your own name and declare it in your program). This example is based off of your first example and it's not perfect (don't click the button multiple times before it's done because you will get strange results as the 'wavelist' queue "overflows". Also, on my system sometimes the first WAV won't play the very first time you click the button. I don't know why that is.) This is just meant as an example of how you might go about solving your problem. Sorry, I have no idea why setVisible behaves as it does and I don't think there's much that can be done in Win32Lib to solve it (but I'd like to be wrong). That said, here it is (you'll have to clean up the long lines and provide samples for 'one.wav', 'two.wav', and 'three.wav'): -- NOTE: you need to redefine xPlaySound in Win32lib.ew -- xPlaySound = linkFunc(winmm, "PlaySoundA", {C_POINTER, C_INT, C_INT}, C_SHORT), include Win32Lib.ew without warning constant SND_NOSTOP = #10, -- flag used in xPlaySound TheWindow = create( Window, "Sound/setVisible Problem", 0, 100, 100, 684, 388,0 ), LText2 = create( LText, "LText2", TheWindow, 132, 96, 444, 76, 0 ), Restart = create( PushButton, "RESTART", TheWindow, 248, 264, 132, 36, 0 ), DoTest = create( PushButton, "CLICK HERE", TheWindow, 248, 192, 132, 40, 0 ), LText5 = create( LText, "LText5", TheWindow, 136, 8, 408, 80, 0 ) integer wavecount -- keeps track of which sound is playing wavecount = 0 sequence wavelist -- list of sounds to play wavelist = {} --------------------------------------- -- Prepare to play a series of .WAV files: procedure playsound(sequence wave) -- convert file names to string pointers --trace(1) for i = 1 to length( wave ) do wavelist = wavelist & allocate_string( wave[i] ) end for --trace(0) -- initialize wave count and set timer wavecount = 1 setTimer( TheWindow, 1, 150 ) end procedure --------------------------------------- procedure TheWindow_onTimer( integer id ) if id = 1 then if wavecount <= length( wavelist ) then if c_func(xPlaySound, {wavelist[wavecount], NULL, or_all({SND_FILENAME, SND_ASYNC, SND_NOSTOP})}) then free( wavelist[wavecount] ) wavecount += 1 end if else wavecount = 0 wavelist = {} killTimer( TheWindow, 1 ) end if end if end procedure onTimer[TheWindow] = routine_id( "TheWindow_onTimer" ) ------------------------------------ procedure TheWindow_onOpen () -- TEST INSTRUCTIONS: setText(LText5,"Before you perform this test, name some .wav file 'test.wav' " & "and put it into the programs directory. Click the button; " & "some text SHOULD show BEFORE test.wav plays; it doesn't.") --TEXT TO SHOW WHEN BUTTON CLICKED ; MAKE IT INVISIBLE FOR NOW: setFont(LText2,"Arial", 15, Bold) setVisible(LText2, False) setText(LText2,"This text should have shown BEFORE anything was spoken!") end procedure onOpen[TheWindow] = routine_id("TheWindow_onOpen") ----------------------------------- --DO THE TEST: procedure DoTest_onClick () setVisible(LText2, True)-- TEXT should become VISIBLE; --trace(1) playsound({"one.wav","two.wav","three.wav"}) -- THEN sound should happen. --trace(0) end procedure onClick[DoTest] = routine_id("DoTest_onClick") ------------------------------------ -- RESET TO DO TEST AGAIN: procedure Restart_onClick () setVisible(LText2, False) end procedure onClick[Restart] = routine_id("Restart_onClick") ---------------------------------------------------------------------- WinMain( TheWindow, Normal )