Hey hey I'm back!

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Now that Topica is accepting messages from me, I have a few things to say.

1.    I've been updating Popup Gorilla heavily over the past week and I've
moved to using multiple ListViews and DragAndDrop. It works well, however,
I'd also like to be able to drop files on to the ListView. Here's my
problem: it doesn't bloody work! I can drop a file onto a window, but not a
list view. Why not?

2.    Regarding Guillermo and obtaining a free registered copy of Euphoria,
couldn't we focus our MicroEconomy votes on him so he could get it faster?
If 10 of us vote $3.00 then he'd have enough for the upgrade, right? Even 5
of us could vote in January and February. Just a suggestion.

3.    Just experienced this, another Win32Lib issue. I seem to have this
issue of switching users on XP (my little sister uses my computer) and
leaving my user name logged on. If I leave MEditor running, I'll have like
1,000,000,000 Win32Lib error boxes on the screen, and a Low Virtual Memory
warning. I know this is probably an issue with MEditor, but perhaps there
could be some sort of warning flag so Win32Lib will only display *one*
message box about the same error? Just a suggestion. (I seem to make a lot
of 'em.)


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