Another EU 2.5 suggestion...
- Posted by CoJaBo <cojabo at> Jan 25, 2004
I would like to be able to set the value of a variable like this: integer some_extremly_long_variable_name=82,another_extremly_long_variable_name=45 Instead of: integer some_extremly_long_variable_name,another_extremly_long_variable_name some_extremly_long_variable_name=82 another_extremly_long_variable_name=45 This would be much easeyer, especilly with long variable names. This is already used in constants, so why not with regular variables? And I would also REALLY like my other suggestions included: "eval()" commands/crash callbacks/ect. for Euphoria 2.5? Some of the following is missing from Euphoria and would be very helpful to me and many other programmers. I would like to see this in Eu 2.5. Please take these into consideration. "eval()" commands: I would really like to see a way to do an "eval()" type command. Many other languages have something like this. eval(sequence eval_commands,integer global_type,integer crash) eval_commands is a sequence of commands global_type is: 0-No routines/varibles (even global) exist in main program 1-Only routines/varibles declared as global exist in main program 2-All routines/varibles exist in main program if crash is true, if it encounters an error (like 1/0) than the program dies with (or a crash routine, see below) ex.err, otherwise, it returns an error code(like 5 for divide by 0,see below) Example: integer a,global_type sequence eval_commands eval_commands=" include incl_file.e--should allow including(This could be used --instead of complex "dynamic includeing" libraries) if a then ?a end if" a=7 var_type=1 ?eval(eval_commands,global_type,0) Displays: 7(value of a) 0(eval encountered no errors) ____________________________________________________________ Crash callback A way to setup a callback function would allow programs to save user data before exiting with ex.err set_crash(integer routine_id) routine_id is the routine id of the function it calls the function with an error code(like 5 for divide by 0), a sequence with info about the error(like a line #, invalid subscript, ect.) and a text string with the complete text error message( "test.ex:3 attempt to divide by 0") if the function returns -1, ignore the error Example: function oncrash(integer err_code,sequence info,sequence msg) if err_code=34 then--this error can be ignored in this program return -1 end if save_all_important_data() return 0 end function set_crash(routine_id("oncrash")) _________________________________________________