Re: Project Programmer Wanter
- Posted by Ret Law <retlaw144 at y?h?> Feb 09, 2008
So CChris and Juergen, The functions and procedures you gave will output a text file with the full enumeration of the succession of A,B,C,D permuations across x digits in the order of A,B,C,D from right to left? Please, I am a complete beginner to Euphoria and really only wanted this specific task so your help will save me a considerable amount of time. I am not sure how to piece this information together to actually write an executable Euphoria program. It aPpears to be a simple program to compute judging by the speed of response. Would it be possible to provide me with a complete executable (with source code) file that will process and output the desired enumeration with variable input. e.g.#1: INPUT: Items: A,B,C,D Digits: 3 Order: A,B,C,D OUTPUT: AAA AAB AAC AAD ... <snip> ... DDA DDB DDC DDD e.g.#2: Items: A,H,I.Y Digits: 5 Order: H,I,Y,A OUTPUT: HHHHH HHHHI HHHHY HHHHA ..... <snip> ..... AAAAH AAAAI AAAAY AAAAA e.g.#3: Items: A,E,L,P,R,Y Digits: 3 Order: P,L,A,Y,E,R OUTPUT: PPP PPL PPA PPY PPE PPR ... <snip> ... RRP RRL RRA RRY RRE RRR