Re: Project Programmer Wanter
- Posted by Ret Law <retlaw144 at ?ahoo.c?m> Feb 08, 2008
That sounds good. Basically what I want is to create output, both as a data text file and as screen display of the full permutation of a given number of items over a given number of digits according to a given rule of sucession. For example: Items: A,B,C,D # of Digits: 3 Order: A,B,C,D, beginning with AAA, ending with DDD and rotating in successive order across right to left. Output: AAA AAB AAC AAD ABA ABB ABC ABD ACA ACB ACC ACD BAA BAB BAC BAD BBA BBB BBC BBD BCA BCB BCC BCD BDA BDB BDC BDD CAA CAB CAC CAD CBA CBB CBC CBD CCA CCB CCC CCD CDA CDB CDC CDD DAA DAB DAC DAD DBA DBB DBC DBD DCA DCB DCC DCD DDA DDB DDC DDD How would that function be implemented to achieve that?