3D Classes Demo, with Texture-Mapping
- Posted by Roderick Jackson <rjackson at CSIWEB.COM> May 12, 1999
Yeehaw! Thank you Mark, thank you Jiri! I've actually grasped texture-mapping, and have incorporated it (loosely) into my 3D classes. Right now, I've only got a demo working, so it's really only meant to show the routines off, not to be readable. It *should* be 2.0-compatible, but don't sue me if it's not. (If you actually WANT this demo, email me within an hour and--if you're lucky--I'll be around to send it to you. Or, you can download it from: http://www.geocities.com/~rodjackson/sphere.zip provided I can post it to the site within an hour.) The demo maps Mark's "grass" bitmap onto each facet of a sphere made of 128 polygons, which is rotated and re-drawn several times to give the appearance of animation. There's no backface-removal being done yet, but it runs at a "decent" speed--on my Pentium II, that is. I suggest at least a Pentium to run this (or you could lower CIRCLE_RES to 8; it'll be a blockier sphere, but it'll run faster.) It's affine texture-mapping, not perspective-correct, but it works. I should release new 3D classes soon that incorporate all of the changes (including, hopefully, optional z-buffering) in a clean fashion; I'll also include some much better documentation, and I think the library will finally be comprehensive enough to actually warrant a name. Things are getting exciting!Rod Jackson P.S. -- Some of you might notice that the demo is zipped with Quartz v. 1.3; you haven't missed an update, I'm about to release that pretty soon too...