- Posted by "Cuny, David" <David.Cuny at DSS.CA.GOV> Nov 17, 1998
Pete Eberlein wrote: > You bet We're aimed at the SVGA crowd, despite the > fact that Neil does indeed choke on some video boards. > But when it does work, the 16M colors are nice, and the > speed is to behold. Ralf (Neil proselytizer that he is) sent me a copy of his 'bots game to look at. Zillions of colors does indeed look *very* nice, but I'm assuming that the two people who will end up using Dos32Lib will only really have VGA. > I might take a crack at shoehorning Neil into > Dos32Lib one of these days. Since most of the graphic routines can be emulated with pixel(), the only routines I really need are: - get_image() - pixel() and they are already supplied with Neil. So I guess I should include Neil right now. My only concern is that certain video cards might not be supported. But Neil supports *all* cards in VGA mode 18, right? If so, I'll go ahead and make the code changes. Urg... I'll have to see it the mouse code needs updating too. I'm using MIGHTY.E. > This sounds like another subtle hint for me to get off > my butt and continue the Linux/Unix port of Euphoria... Subtle? That doesn't sound like me at all. While I'm at it, I'd like to see a Mac version someday, too. > I thought the Java l&f was cool, sad to hear it got canned. Me, too - but if this project ever gets finished, I can always put the code back in. My first priority is to Get It Done in some useful manner. As it was, I was burning myself out on non-essentials. -- David Cuny