Parser and question
- Posted by Ferlin <ferlin at SANDW.NET> Dec 28, 1998
Hawke, Just wanted to say THANKS for EUServer, I was working on a Parser for an Text Adventure Game, I had worked a long time on this parser, but the code was getting KLUDGED. I took the approach used with EUserver's cmdlist.ew & basiccmd.ew, loved the approach here. I was able to Re-Write the Parser to some extent in very little time, and adding additional commands is a breeze. So, that was a long way to go to say Thanks and keep up the good work. A question for ALL, This is probably a question that has been asked millions of times, and if so Sorry for asking again, and it may cause my DUH side to show a little, but the problem I seem to be having is figuring out HOW to convert a sequence to an integer? Example. global integer Score Score = 0 . . . procedure AddToScore(sequence Amt) Score = Score + Amt end procedure . . . Person inputs a command > addtoscore 10 program uses Ch = gets(0) program tries to do AddToScore(Ch[2]) what happens here is obvious Euphoria returns an type check failure of course, this makes since since you are trying to add something non numeric to a numeric variable so to speak. + + + Rev. Ferlin Scarborough - Centreville, Alabama - USA