Re: Keyboard & Fasttracker2.08 support.

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>Does anyone know how to read the keyboard as if it was
>a big gamepad? I mean, without those annoying inkey-buffers,
>delays and repetitions etc.
>Seems like this is some kind of a problem.

Attached is a little file called event.e and keyread.e
The last is by Micheal Bolin and does just what you want. No inkey-buffers
at all. Instead it (the function get_keys in keyread.e) returns all
currently pressed keys (scancodes!) in a sequence. (ordered by which one was
pressed first).

Event.e is an interface that uses keyread.e
It allows you to set an initial delay and an repeat-delay for each key on
the keyboard (scancode of the key!).

You can use it like this:

include event.e

event_scankey (1, {10,5}, routine_id ("quit_proc"))

The routine to call is quit_proc. It will receive the pressed key (1 in this
case) as an integer argument. The sequence {10,5} means, initial buffer 10
after that use a buffer of 5.

You can offcourse also set it to {0,0}.

The biggest advantage is not the freedom to set the delays to any custom
value, but to be able to set a different delay for every key!

This means arrow keys can have a really quick response, while toggle keys
like a flashlight or something can have the normal type of delays.
(otherwise it would be impossible to use it effectively: Can you hold down a
key for 0.0001 sec ?? so that it only triggers once ??)

During your game (or your program, depends) you need to call.

update_events ()

It will call the associated routines for each key pressed.
I think this will help you out. Offcourse the credits go to Micheal Bolin,
who wrote the actual ASM keyhandler.

>I found a mod-player for Euphoria, but have anyone
>made a XM player yet? I would die for an option to
>include that lovely SB-16 32-bit mixing of 32 channels.

Nope, no one has yet made it, so why dont you give it a shot ? I have some
files describing its file-format laying around..

>& BTW, Thanx to Ralf for pointing me to #A0000 !

You're welcome.

Good luck all,


>Tor Gausen

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