Re: New encryption thread

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>I have seen that you wrote quite a large readme.txt file, and I'm not
>blaming you, certainly not, but could some one please tell me more about
>all these acronyms used, such as MUD, DES, cgi, etc, etc.... And what can
>be done with it. Then maybe I will be able to decide if I like to have
>these possibilities and how to use them.

Hi Ad!

    MUD and DES were all ready explained. Let's go with CGI's:

CGI (Common Gateway Interface) is a specification by wich a web server
comunicates with an application. Think of Yahoo. You type your search
criteria and press submit, then you get a bunch of result. What's behind the
scene is one or more CGIs working for you. Once you press the submit
button the webserver (I think Yahoo is using Apache over FreeBSD OS),
executes an application on the server (an .exe or .bat file if it was a
machine). These application is called a CGI application or script (yes it
also be a shell or Perl script). The CGI specification says how the data the
user inputed is passed to the application, and how the application returns
information to send back to the client's browser (the HTML page you get
back with the result of your request). The webserver usually pass the data
thru the standard input and the CGI application thru standard ouput. There's
also WinCGI, that passes data thru an .ini file.

Some CGI links:
(I don't remeber others right now)

I plan to make a basic CGI include file for Euphoria after I finish the new
release of VE. Irv has some expirience writing CGI's with Euphoria.
What webserver were you using Irv? I'm testing with Xitami.

BTW I still haven't tested your REMOVEITEM buggy code. I'm busy re-coding
the next release of Visual Euphoria. One bad new: All existing VE code will
be broken. Good news: far more powerful, maintainable (for me), and
flexible... it may even work in conjunction with win32lib!

    Daniel   Berstein
    daber at

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