Re: built in routine id's
- Posted by Rolf Schröder <r.schr at> Mar 23, 2002
Bernie Ryan wrote: > > Rolf: > I do not understand your question. > Can you give me a simple example then maybe I can come > up with an idea. Bernie, enclosed an example. Each in build function has to be called via an extra user defined function to make it for the function 'qgauss' callable, like SIN instead sin. If you replace SIN by sin in the MAIN section you will get an error. I think, the build in functions/procedures should also freely be usable for routine_id() and call_func()/call_proc(). Have a nice day, Rolf ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 10 point Gauss integration of 'func' over interval (a,b). -- (after 'Numerical Recipes (FORTRAN), W.H.Press et al., 1988, p122) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- include misc.e -- PI ---------------------------------------------------------------------- constant X = { .1488743389, .4333953941, .6794095682, .8650633666, .9739065285} constant W = { .2955242247, .2692667193, .2190863625, .1494513491, .0666713443} ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function SIN(atom x) -- equivalent of build in sin() -- *** return sin(x) end function ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function quad(atom x) -- x^2 -- **** return x*x end function ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function qgauss(sequence func, atom a, atom b) -- ****** atom xm, xr, ss, dx integer id id = routine_id(func) xm = (b+a)/2 xr = (b-a)/2 ss = 0.0 for j = 1 to 5 do dx = xr*X[j] ss += W[j]*(call_func(id,{xm+dx})+call_func(id,{xm-dx})) end for return xr*ss end function ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- MAIN program area: examples for qgauss() function. -- **** -- Nunerical integration of sin(x) over (0,PI) and x*x over (0,3). -- printf(1,"I(sin)[0,PI] = %15.10f (2 exactly)\n\n", qgauss("SIN",0,PI)) printf(1,"I(x*x)[0,3] = %15.10f (9 exactly)\n", qgauss("quad",0,3)) abort(0) ----------------------------------------------------------------------