BASIC-to-Euphoria - some inquiries
- Posted by jzeitlin at Mar 18, 2002
I'm currently working on converting some old BASIC code - mixed GW-BASIC and Q-BASIC - to Euphoria. While investigating available tools, the following questions have arisen: (1) For David Cuny: The ebasic translator indicates that you've effectively abandoned it, and you note in one of the readmes that were you starting the project today, you'd take a different tack in the design. Unless you plan to resurrect the project, I'm going to have to write a translator of my own, as ebasic, even when presented with what I've been calling a 'Euphoria-clean' file, has some deficiencies in the generated code, and lacks some support for some BASIC features. Given that, I'd be interested in hearing what you have to say about the revised approach - or hearing that you _haven't_ abandoned ebasic, and are on the verge of releasing an update. (2) Graphics: At last report, there were no Euphoria includes that would provide a simple interface to graphics across all extant supported platforms. If someone knows of one that does - and by 'simple', I mean at the DOS graphics.e level, or perhaps implementing something similar to the GW-BASIC/Q-BASIC graphics interface. If anyone can point me in an appropriate direction, I'd be appreciative. (3) An alternative to writing my own translator would be to use a tool that could take structured definitions of the two languages, and be able to convert one to the other. I _know_ that such tools exist, primarily for UNIX platforms (including Linux), but enough are available in source form that I could easily compile one for DOS. What I need for those tools, though, is good definitions of the languages in question - meaning, usually, either EBNF notation definitions, or 'railroad track' diagrams of the language syntax. I'm pretty sure I can find definitions for GW-BASIC/Q-BASIC; has anyone done one for Euphoria? -- Jeff Zeitlin jzeitlin at