Re: A C to Euphoria Question: struct

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Unfortunately, Euphoria doesn't support types or structs. You can implement
the same thing using sequences, though:

constant MainChar_x =3D 1, MainChar_y =3D 2, MainChar_Direction =3D 3,
MainChar_MovePixels =3D 4, MainChar_CurrFrame =3D 5, MainChar_NumFrames =3D
6, MainChar_FrameRate =3D 7, MainChar_FrameCount =3D 8, MainChar_data =3D 9

I am working on a pre-processor for Euphoria that will allow for pointers
and structures, but it isn't finished yet. You can get the current version

Also, in C, * means pointer so data is an array of 20 pointers to
characters. Euphoria doesn't support pointers either, though you can get
pointer.e from the Euphoria web site (
which allows you to create "pointers" in Euphoria. Sometimes, pointers in C
are used for dynamic arrays (which C, unlike Euphoria, doesn't support). In
this case, you could do the same thing using sequences. If you need to
check the sequences to make sure they are in the right format, you could
use something like this:

type OneD(object s)
        if not sequence(s) then
                return 0
        end if
        for i =3D 1 to length(s) do
                if sequence(s[i]) then
                        return 0
                end if
        end for
        return 1
end type
type MainChar(object s)
        if not sequence(s) then
                return 0
        end if
        if length(s) !=3D 9 then
                return 0
        end if
        for i =3D 1 to  8 do
                if not integer(s[i]) then
                        return 0
                end if
        end for
        if length(s[9]) !=3D 20 then
                return 0
        end if
        for i =3D 1 to 20 do
if not OneD(s[i]) then -- Replace OneD with Pointer if you are
                        return 0
                end if
        end for
        return 1
end type

MainChar c
c =3D
-- Or (if you are using pointers)
c =3D {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}}

Jeffrey Fielding
JJProg at

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