Win32lib v0.57.5 Released
- Posted by Derek Parnell <ddparnell at> May 12, 2002
Please find the latest release v0.57.5 at (657KB) Changes are: Fixed Corrected some documentation errors. Removed the resource leaks caused by routines not running inside an Paint event handler. putStream() doesn't crash at end of data now. getPointerPos() now works when the mouse is to the left or above the window. A tabControl is now repainted to clear any wPuts() or drawing objects prior to making the newly selected TabItem visible. Tooltips now recognise '\r\n' to break lines. Corrected the spelling of LVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK Corrected the spelling of /addXpm() Added setHintWidth() function is now availble to set the maximum width of a tooltip window. New predefined color 'SkyBlue' Listview controls now trigger an onClick event. getLVChecked() and getLVAllChecked() Changed The library now uses Logical font resolution by default. The function /convPctToPixels() is now a global one. insertListViewItems has been renamed to insertLVItem insertListViewColumn has been renamed to insertLVColumn Please keep up the testing effort. I appreciate all feedack on the library. If no more bugs appear during this week, I'll send it to RDS to get stamped. ---------- Derek.