RE: internet conneciton and parse
- Posted by Ray Smith <smithr at> May 09, 2002
Andy Serpa wrote: > What's the advantage of the socket library? I use EInetLib.ew for all > my internet stuff -- seems much easier... If you are only wanting to download web pages I would think einetlib.ew is probably better than euTCP4u. euTCP4u is general purpose sockets library that just happens to have an advanced feature to download files from the web. (Which by the way doesn't seem to work at the moment!). One small advantage is that euTCP4u is shipped with it's own DLL where I assume einetlib.ew depends upon inetlib.dll (or something like that) which is installed with IE 4 or above. So if you are sending your programs to other people you need to make sure they have IE4 or above installed (mostly this will be the case). Regards, Ray Smith