Re: A modal farewell

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Vincent wrote:
> Mario Steele wrote:
> > 
> > Hello All,
> > 
> > After much consideration of what Euphoria is, what features have been
> > requested time
> > and time, and time again, and watching generations of Euphoria Programmers
> > come and
> > go, it has now come to my time to leave the Euphoria Community.  As much as
> > I have
> > enjoyed programming in Euphoria, it is my general disappointment that
> > features that
> > are commonly requested, get tossed aside, without consideration to what the
> > programmer
> > has to go through.  The language I've moved on to, is Ruby.  It may not be
> > as fast
> > as Euphoria, but at this time, I'm willing to sacrifice speed, for actual
> > programming
> > Features.
> > 
> > For thoes of you who are intrested, Ruby is a Object Oriented Language, that
> > has a
> > simple syntax, and easy to understand view.  It's almost to easy to catch on
> > with,
> > if you understand Object Oriented languages.  The reason why I choose Ruby,
> > was partly
> > for the fact that Ruby is an OOL, but it also has features that we've
> > desprately requested
> > from Rob in Euphoria, such as True Exception Handling, an excellent
> > include/namespace
> > system, Standard Libraries, that put Euphoria to shame, Full Thread Support,
> > Cross
> > Platform for Windows, Linux, and MacOS, and while it lacks any centralized
> > Binding
> > Feature, there are people who have ingenuitive designs for creating single
> > executables,
> > in one method or another.  I can find myself actually understanding the code
> > that I'm
> > writting, and I'm not even begining to learn the language, or the features.
> > 
> > I will still be around to help out the Euphoria community however I can, and
> > I still
> > have Euphoria 2.5, but I seriously doubt I will purchase another Euphoria
> > product,
> > unless there's some drastic changes, that includes features that both I
> > myself, and
> > many others have requested.  And like they say, if history repeats itself
> > (As it has
> > many times with Euphoria), I'm not seeing that happening anytime soon.  So,
> > till the
> > next time, Have fun programming, and don't let the language dictate to you,
> > what you
> > need, let you dictate to the language, what you need.
> > 
> > Mario Steele
> > <a
> > href=""></a>
> > Attaining World Dominiation, one byte at a time...
> > 
> Sorry to see you go, I'm sticking around for various reasons.
> Not that you care or anything, but I find 2 problems with Ruby: 1) it is too
> slow,
> 2) its syntax is bad IMHO.
> Here are some benchmark results
> -------------------------------
> heapsort (100000)
> ----------------
> Euphoria is ~7.6115x faster than Ruby.
> **************************************
> fibonacci (32)
> --------------
> Euphoria is ~14.1044x faster than Ruby.
> ***************************************
> ackermann (3, 10)
> -----------------
> Euphoria is ~28.4510x faster than Ruby.
> ***************************************
> sieve (900)
> -----------
> Euphoria is ~58.7021x faster than Ruby.
> ***************************************
> As for a code example:
> ======================
> #!/home/d/docx/bin/ruby -w
> #
> =begin
> Description: Get an array of files that match a pattern from a directory
> =end
> files = Dir["*"]
> files.delete_if {|x| x !~ /\d+[a-z]?\.rb/}
> files.sort.each {|x| print x, " -- " }
> puts
> ==============================================
> If you ask me, PureB is a much better contender. blink
> Jason Gade:  Have you finished those benchmarks?
> ************************************************

No, I'm going very slow on it.

I think I have Fannkuch figured out, though.

> sources: <a
> href=""></a>
>          <a
>          href=""></a>
>          <a
>          href=""></a>
> Regards,
> Vincent
> ----------------------------------------------
>      ___	      __________      ___
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>     \::\'\          //::::::::::\\   |'|::|
>      \::\'\        //:::_::::_:::\\  |'|::|
>       \::\'\      //::/  |::|  \::\\ |'|::|
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>         \::\'\__//::/    |::|    \::\|'|::|
>          \::\','/::/     |::|     \::\\|::|
>           \::\_/::/      |::|      \::\|::|
>            \::,::/       |::|       \:::::|
>             \___/        |__|        \____|
>  	                 .``.
> 		         ',,'

Too many freaks, not enough circuses.


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