A (trick) example of search in Euforum and CRON
- Posted by Rubens <rml at rubis.trix.net> Jul 24, 2005
Hi Euphoric People, Here I come with an example of tricks in Euforum search option to narrow the results: My problem: I was looking for problems with euphoria scripts in linux and cron. So, I did a search with the word cron ,all years. What I got : 132 matches. Most of then aCRONyms, MiCRON, MaCROName and so on.... Then I try to search "cron" and got the same result, 132. For my surprise, I discovered that " " only works for phrases... So, I start a not so obvius trick: First : "cron " > gives 7 results=20 !!!! nice, but I still have MiCRON as result. Then: " cron " > gives 4 results, all=20 valid. ( cron between spaces and " ) This help a lot to narrow results... but I still=20 miss the NOT operator, Robert... As I didn=B4t find my answer to the question may be=20 someone could help me with this: Anyone using cron and debian to run euphoria scripts ? The script runs well in the shell ( /home/=20 ./euscript.exu ), but in cron, nothing happens. Euphoria Linux instalation is ok, the first line=20 of the script is #!/usr/euphoria/bin/exu. Then line in crontab is */1 * * * * /home/euscript.exu euscript.exu is in /home/ euphoria is in /usr/euphoria/ EUDIR is ok. I=B4m running it as root. Permission are 777 for euscript.exu, Thanks, Rubens =09 =09 =09