Re: Changes in the ESL papers
- Posted by Vincent <darkvincentdude at> Jul 22, 2005
Matt Lewis wrote: > > Christian Cuvier wrote: > > > > > Pete Lomax wrote: > > > > > >>> I retract that. Code it for 2.5 and have a utility to convert to 2.4. > > > > > > > Please don't. > > s[legth(s)] and s[$] evaluate in different times. Converting 2.5 > > optimized code to 2.4 will work, but will lower efficiency. 2.4 > > optimized code will track the length of an ever expanding sequence to > > scrape a few microseconds here and there. 2.5 optimized code won't. And > > I don't know a converter smart enough to perform this change of > > implementation. > > > > For the trivial case, the code is identical. I used the disassembler that > is part of ooeu to generate the following. I created a sequence: > }}} <eucode> > sequence s > s = repeat( repeat( 0, 10 ), 10 ) > > ? s[$] > <font color="#330033"></eucode> {{{ ...produces this </font><font > color="#0000FF">for </font><font color="#330033">il code:</font> > 15: 042 107 110 # LENGTH: [s:107] => [_temp_:110] > 18: 025 107 110 110 # RHS_SUBS: [s:107] sub [_temp_:110] => > [_temp_:110] > 22: 036 111 110 # QPRINT: [_temp_:110] > }}} <eucode> > ? s[length(s)] > <font color="#330033"></eucode> {{{ ...produces identical code:</font> > 65: 042 107 113 # LENGTH: [s:107] => [_temp_:113] > 68: 025 107 113 113 # RHS_SUBS: [s:107] sub [_temp_:113] => > [_temp_:113] > 72: 036 111 113 # QPRINT: [_temp_:113] > > Now consider a more interesting, but still simple case: > }}} <eucode> > ? s[$][$] > <font color="#330033"></eucode> {{{ ...</font><font color="#0000FF">and > </font><font color="#330033">we get:</font> > 27: 042 107 110 # LENGTH: [s:107] => [_temp_:110] > 30: 025 107 110 110 # RHS_SUBS: [s:107] sub [_temp_:110] => > [_temp_:110] > 34: 042 110 112 # LENGTH: [_temp_:110] => [_temp_:112] > 37: 092 110 112 112 # RHS_SUBS_CHECK: [_temp_:110] sub [_temp_:112] > # => [_temp_:112] > 41: 036 111 112 # QPRINT: [_temp_:112] > > Two calls to length, plus two RHS Subscripts. A simple, straightforward > converter might change that to: > }}} <eucode> > ? s[length(s)][length(s[length(s)])] > <font color="#330033"></eucode> {{{ ...which would look like:</font> > 77: 042 107 113 # LENGTH: [s:107] => [_temp_:113] > 80: 025 107 113 113 # RHS_SUBS: [s:107] sub [_temp_:113] => > [_temp_:113] > 84: 042 107 112 # LENGTH: [s:107] => [_temp_:112] > 87: 025 107 112 112 # RHS_SUBS: [s:107] sub [_temp_:112] => > [_temp_:112] > 91: 042 112 112 # LENGTH: [_temp_:112] => [_temp_:112] > 94: 092 113 112 113 # RHS_SUBS_CHECK: [_temp_:113] sub [_temp_:112] > # => [_temp_:113] > 98: 036 111 113 # QPRINT: [_temp_:113] > > Three lengths, and three RHS subscripts. A 40% less efficient solution. > We could help things out by precalculating length(s): > }}} <eucode> > integer len > len = length(s) > ? s[len][length(s[len])] > <font color="#330033"></eucode> {{{ ...</font><font color="#0000FF">and > </font><font color="#330033">get:</font> > 103: 042 107 115 # LENGTH: [s:107] => [len:115] > 106: 087 115 # DISPLAY_VAR: [len:115] > 108: 058 14 # STARTLINE: 14 <<? s[len][length(s[len])]>> > 110: 025 107 115 113 # RHS_SUBS: [s:107] sub [len:115] => [_temp_:113] > 114: 025 107 115 112 # RHS_SUBS: [s:107] sub [len:115] => [_temp_:112] > 118: 042 112 112 # LENGTH: [_temp_:112] => [_temp_:112] > 121: 092 113 112 113 # RHS_SUBS_CHECK: [_temp_:113] sub [_temp_:112] > # => [_temp_:113] > 125: 036 111 113 # QPRINT: [_temp_:113] > > Two lengths and three RHS subscripts (the DISPLAY_VAR and STARTLINE are > artifacts of "with trace," so they can be ignored for this discussion). > That's only a 20% loss of efficiency. Ah, but what if we do: > }}} <eucode> > sequence slen > slen = s[len] > ? slen[length(slen)] > <font color="#330033"></eucode> {{{ we get:</font> > 103: 042 107 115 # LENGTH: [s:107] => [len:115] > 128: 058 17 # STARTLINE: 17 <<slen = s[len]>> > 130: 025 107 115 116 # RHS_SUBS: [s:107] sub [len:115] => [slen:116] > 134: 097 116 # SEQUENCE_CHECK: [slen:116] > 140: 042 116 113 # LENGTH: [slen:116] => [_temp_:113] > 143: 025 116 113 113 # RHS_SUBS: [slen:116] sub [_temp_:113] => > # [_temp_:113] > 147: 036 111 113 # QPRINT: [_temp_:113] > > We got rid of the subscript, but added a sequence type check. That's > probably less expensive than a subscript, so it probably saved some, > but it's still more expensive than using $'s. > > So the end result is that for writing more complicated code, you've made > the code less efficient than it could be. I think the libary should be > coded to the current version of Euphoria, which is currently 2.5. > Especially for the $, since it does offer a bit more than syntactic > sugar. > > Matt Lewis > Yea and also because of crash_routine() {Error handling?}. I'm sure most of the people who are still using v2.4, are using it because v2.5 parses the whole file and any includes before execution + the the fact that the frontend was translated to C from Euphoria. But execution speed in v2.5 is the fastest yet. I'm guessing Rob will do even more optimizations, and loading & execution speed will become slighty faster in v3.0. Afterall, he rather do bug fixes and optimzations rather than give us new features. Regards, Vincent ---------------------------------------------- ___ __________ ___ /__/\ /__________\ |\ _\ \::\'\ //::::::::::\\ |'|::| \::\'\ //:::_::::_:::\\ |'|::| \::\'\ //::/ |::| \::\\ |'|::| \::\'\ //::/ |::| \::\\|'|::| \::\'\__//::/ |::| \::\|'|::| \::\','/::/ |::| \::\\|::| \::\_/::/ |::| \::\|::| \::,::/ |::| \:::::| \___/ |__| \____| .``. ',,'