Attn Matt: Please help with Dependency Walker :-(
- Posted by Vincent <darkvincentdude at> Jul 17, 2005
So is Euphoria v3.0 out yet? I guess I'm back early.. Or maybe I decided I could just use both languages.. Woohoo. Well anyway I stumbled on a nice 3D engine (Irrlicht).. Its written in C++ (just like all of em), well "trying" wrapping it for Euphoria (uh-oh) (because Morfit v4 wrapper is old as grandmother) crossed my mind. I've been looking at your cplusplus.e, and how you use it with various wxEuphoria includes. I've also got Dependency Walker like you use to get the "real" exported names of functions in C++ modules (because there needs to be unique identifers for each routine when operator overloading is supported in C++). exa:
-- from: wxSizer.e -- wxFlexGridSizer::sm_classwxFlexGridSizer wxFlexGridSizer_sm_classwxFlexGridSizer = define_c_var( wxWin, "@wxFlexGridSizer@sm_classwxFlexGridSizer" ),
The problem is DW isnt working? When I try and view the functions in Irrlicht.dll.. i see this: _ZN3irr14createDeviceExERKNS_27SIrrlichtCreationParametersE (function #1) _ZN3irr12createDeviceENS_5video13E_DRIVER_TYPEERKNS_4core11dimension2dIiEEjbbbPNS_14IEventReceiverEPKw (function #2) Arnt there suppost to be literly 1000's of functions? I get this warning with MPR.dll.. Warning: At least one module has an unresolved import due to a missing export function in a delay-load dependent module. Would that have anything to do with it? BTW: You should maybe spruce up cplusplus.e a little for general C++ interfacing and send it to the archives? I wonder if Euphoria can interface with Objective C too. Regards, Vincent ---------------------------------------------- ___ __________ ___ /__/\ /__________\ |\ _\ \::\'\ //::::::::::\\ |'|::| \::\'\ //:::_::::_:::\\ |'|::| \::\'\ //::/ |::| \::\\ |'|::| \::\'\ //::/ |::| \::\\|'|::| \::\'\__//::/ |::| \::\|'|::| \::\','/::/ |::| \::\\|::| \::\_/::/ |::| \::\|::| \::,::/ |::| \:::::| \___/ |__| \____| .``. ',,'