by (8.11.6/8.11.6/1.15/INTERNET-MAP) with ESMTP id i16= AKwS69090 for <EUforum at>; Fri, 6 Feb 2004 11:20:59 +0100 by (8.11.1/8.11.6/1.1/RELAIS-MAP) id i16Aa= 5p44858 for EUforum at; Fri, 6 Feb 2004 11:36:05 +0100 Relayed; 6 Feb 2004 11:20 +0100 Relayed; 6 Feb 2004 11:20 +0100 Relayed; 6 Feb 2004 11:17 +0100 X400-Content-Identifier: [OT] Eu en espa P1-Message-ID: FR*ATLAS*RAGRI;040206112015+0100-764 Original-Encoded-Information-Types: Undefined From: "Christian Cuvier" <Christian.CUVIER at> To: <EUforum at> Subject: [OT] Eu en espanHol Buenos diAas, galilei2003. Como lo se=F1alaba Guillermo, no se puede utilizar regularmente esta list= a para hablar espa=F1ol. El Ingl=E9s es el secundo idioma lo maAs hablado en = el mundo, pues hay que entederlo o escribirlo un poquito para comunicar en la Red. Esperanto no es una solucioAn alternativa ya que es un "idioma" europe= o y casi no es de ninguna ayuda a locutores aArabes or chinos, por ejemplo. CChris (This was: Good morning. As GB earlier remarked, this list can't be used in= Spanish on a regular basis. English is the most widely spoken second langu= age in the world, so one needs to read /write it somewhat to communicate across= the Web. Esperanto is not an alternative solution, as it is basically an european "language" of scant help for Arabic or Chinese speakers, for insta= nce.)