Re: The tutorial
- Posted by Ralf Nieuwenhuijsen <nieuwen at XS4ALL.NL> Jan 28, 1999
>It just asks you a handful of questions, and picks the right type of >tutorial for you? Well, this idea is leading to somewhere I think. Thank you for the link, Greg. Rather than discussing ToC's .. I would prefer to focus on the goals, and methods we are using to teach it, before we would even consider any real-life implementation of those methods, and thus form a ToC. The ToC posted by Daniel is practical, yet very specific. (no offense intended) I would personally prefer a bit more 'ambitious' and 'original' approaches, since using the current methods of teaching and writing, and structuring an tutorial, I would personally be dissatisfied. Also, RDS already made perfect docmenation, for those already having the right or at least a sharp perspective of what programming is. Rather than making a tutorial that is adjusted to the 'wrong' or 'beginners' perspective, lets learn them enough about programming, so the standard documentation is enough. That is, I see no point in providing the documentation again. Off course a few hardware/os related articles should be provided, but as reference, rather than tutorial. An quick intro into current ideas, and techniquesch for quick graphics, for mouse, for win32lib, etc. However, the actual documemtation, should be used during the learning procces. What I mean, is that we could give an example 'problem' and the beginner, ambitious as he/she is, will try to solve it. It would be ok to include a list, of associated routines, so they dont have to search through the documentation. But they have to see the actual and strict definitions by RDS. This also avoids version issues. But this all is more about the actual structure of the tutorial. First the methods we will use to explain something. A trivial thing, yet, lets first come to terms about it. You dont just explain something to some one, there is a plan behind such a thing: The idea of having different learning methods for different persons is, for example, very interesting. (again, Greg, thanx) Consider for the learning approach, three different 'methods': - Figurative explenation. Trivial example: a sequence is like a tree (imaginairy/visual) - Use terminology, and give strict definitions: Trivial example: you can *merge* two sequence, or a sequence and an atom (auditory). - Provide example code, pseudo code, and examples from other languages: Kinesthetic & Tactile Yet, an tutorial (IMHO) should be more exploration, than explenation. For example, sequences could be a word, sneaking in, describing how one could store an directory-tree on a piece of paper. In the end of the 'chapter'/'section'/'whatever' we give a strict definition, and show how to do so in Euphoria. However, programming teachniques are more than using data store. The actual trick of finding the 'right' algorithm, studying the underlying behaviour of a certain routine. Actually, I like the idea, of 'story-like' tutorial, where some guy or girl, or animal goes through lifes, and wonders about things. And this small, small story of this wondering character can serve perfectly for figurative explenations, moving from one 'programming elementary' to another. Each 'programming elementary' ends into a strict definition of some terms, already used a number of times. Example code, and a clear figurative example. (a very short one: A one or two liner). Together with, I dont call them 'excersizes', but a combination of un-intuitive remarks about this 'elementary' and 'phoney' questions. (So, the reader has something of ' I thought I understood, why not in this and this case ? ' and he/she wonders, and wonders, and re-reads, looks at the 'prove code' and will understand. At such a point, they have a certain grip at the terms used, and they've been already introduced (and guided through) the most annoying and confusing situations). This mini-story is not much of a story, other than a scratch book of days in the live of some funny person. More like 'sketches'. The less they have to do with programming and a computer in general the better. Example: explaining primairy interface aspects by asking way to many questions about the how the phone is made. (wondering if it would better to have the 'dial-numbers' in the hand-set rather than on the phone, so they can only be used when the phone is off the book, which is the only moment it is appropiate. Things like that). And off course, such sketches have a purpose in tone of voice and easy-reading as well. Does any understand and feel something for this, at first glance, pretty silly idea: * using (cynical maybe) story/real-life sketches, to illustrate the the idea behind certain terms and techniques, slowly moving towards an actual 'Programming Elementary' * have terminology slowly sneaked in * end with strict definition, and 'remarks/questions' about the most confusion situations, with guidance (an example program) towards an explenation/solution. * The first time Euphoria code appears, a quick intro. Afterwards, new grammer elements are explained. Together with the comments & the RDS' documentation, the example programs should tell the Euphoria-specific details they need to know. (simple notes will do: abort (1) -- this procedure halts your program and sets the dos-errorlevel to 1. * Have a number of acticles regarding often used techniques and some knowledge base. A primer on databases, networking, game-programming, win32-api, compression, 3d, parsing, etc. Preferbly together with a good list of references to books and/or other type of material. Thats it. My first attempt at quick & dirty list of aspects of the tutorial as I could come up with it. I appriciate any feedback. How do you all feel about this setup ? Also, to illustrate the amount of preparation the structure of such a project needs: just try to define programming. A first, quick & dirty attempt at a definition would be: using a computer language to express the charactistics and aspects of a certain model of behaviour/interaction. Pretty vague, already, I think. Ralf