Re: OOPS Re: New procedure: play()

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This is from my projects directory (Notice I haven't built frequency
tables. You could build them if you want to though...):

-- Speaker.E -------------------------------------------------------------

constant M_SOUND = 1 -- from graphics.e

    Octave = 12,
    Semitone = power(2, 1/Octave)

    A_Diapazon = 440,--Hz
    Middle_C_Offset = -1*Octave + 2--Semitones

procedure sound(atom f) -- from graphics.e
    machine_proc(M_SOUND, f)
end procedure

global procedure dsound(atom frequency, atom delay)
    atom T

    if frequency > 16383 then
        frequency = 0
    end if


    T = time() + (delay / 100)
    while time() < T do
        -- wait
    end while

end procedure

global procedure stopsound()
end procedure

global procedure note(integer n, atom delay)

    dsound(A_Diapazon * power(Semitone, n+Middle_C_Offset), delay)

end procedure

global procedure endnote(integer n, atom delay)

    note(n, delay)

end procedure

-- SpeaTest.Ex -----------------------------------------------------------

include speaker.e

    Data = {1,5,8,10,11,10,8,5}, -- A "groovy" 50's riff!
    Keys = {1, 1, 6, 1, 8, 6, 1} -- A chord scheme

for j = 1 to length(Keys) do
    for i = 1 to length(Data) do
        endnote(Data[i]+Keys[j]-1, 14)
        endnote(Data[i]+Keys[j]-1, 14)
    end for
end for

Carl R White -- Final Year Computer Science at the University of Bradford
E-mail...: cyrek- at -- Remove the hyphens before mailing. Ta :)
Ykk rnyllaqur rgiokc cea nyemdok ymc giququezka caysgr -- B.Q.Vgesa

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