Re: Let's talk about scope
- Posted by CHARN1407 at AOL.COM Jan 18, 1999
Irv writes: >>>>>>It seems like:1. A lot of work to change Jiri's font.e and Pete's mighty.e and Dave's text-gui library just to avoid conflicts. not much, types and includes are few and at the top of files >>>>>2. What happens when Jiri or Pete or ? decides to make improvements in their package? Now my program is broken. >>>>>>>3. What happens to people who download my changed font.e or mighty.e, which overwrites their standard file of the same name, breaking all their other programs? valid points, but what else am i supposed to do (besides wait for EU 2.2 to come out)? I prefer to take 10 minutes now and some upkeep now and then to organize everything than wait for improvements in the language CHARN