Re: Let's talk about scope

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On Mon, 18 Jan 1999 00:42:04 EST, CHARN1407 at AOL.COM wrote:

>i'm currently working on a rather large project which has, at the moment, 21
>include files, which have many conflicts.  My solutions was to first include a
>vars.e which had all global variables and types (i figure types with the same
>name have the same definition...).  Then i took out all the includes in
>include files and included them in the main program above their callers.
>After removing all local types and includes in the include files, i had a
>grand total of 1 naming conflict (upper defined in both sfx2.e and
>wildcard.e).  The disadvantage:  everything is pretty much global.  So what;
>it already is.  The advantage:  no conflicts.  The program runs fine.
>something to think about

It seems like:
1. A lot of work to change Jiri's font.e and Pete's mighty.e and
   Dave's text-gui library just to avoid conflicts.

2. What happens when Jiri or Pete or ? decides to make improvements
   in their package? Now my program is broken.

3. What happens to people who download my changed font.e or mighty.e,
   which overwrites their standard file of the same name, breaking
   all their other programs?


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