Re: Memory

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On Fri, 1 Jan 1999, Robert Craig wrote:

> Ralf writes:
> > ANd I know it never tried virtual memory, for the simple fact that I
> > have 2 gb free.. I would notice it using 2 gb from my HD and
> > then removing it again..
> Under Windows, Euphoria is limited to the size of the
> Windows swap area on your disk (you can adjust this
> size, but don't bother). Euphoria can't use your
> entire free space on disk.
> Under pure DOS, Causeway seems to
> give up after using several megs
> of disk space. I'm not sure what the algorithm is there.

I seem to remember you saying a while back that Euphoria uses 31-bit
integers. The missing bit being used to indicate whether the data at a
location is an address or an integer. Surely this means Euphoria can only
address 2^31 (~2Gig).

Cheeky Request: Any chance of adding 64-bit integers and double length
                floats in the near future? Or auto-promotion if things get
                too big?

Carl R White -- Final Year Computer Science at the University of Bradford
E-mail...: cyrek- at -- Remove the hyphens before mailing. Ta :)
Ykk rnyllaqur rgiokc cea nyemdok ymc giququezka caysgr -- B.Q.Vgesa

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