my bitmap problem again
- Posted by "John McAdam" <johnmcadam at> May 16, 2004
It's me again. I have cut down all the non relevant code to the part that gives me a problem. Here is the code, which should be copied into a subdirectory. The code (on my machine) runs once ok, but with an erroneous error message at the return to the editor; or sometimes after the second run. Please see if this happens to you, or is peculiar to my machine. You can use any small 256 color bitmap file that you may have and it will do the same thing. The code looks fine to me, so I think the error is in the interpreter. The included files are standard, so no need to send them. Could be in the editor? I'm using The CyrekSoft EE Editor v2.2:CS1. JOHN ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------- include graphics.e include image.e include get.e include file.e object key --usually user key stroke, sometimes junk procedure intro_window() sequence ss if graphics_mode(259) then end if ss=read_bitmap("a.bmp") printf(1,"size of ss %d ",length(ss)) key=wait_key() all_palette(ss[1]/4) display_image({0,0},ss[2]) key=wait_key() key=chdir("..") --something very strange happens here end procedure intro_window() ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------