Sphere Online Judge
- Posted by akusaya at gmx.net Nov 20, 2006
http://www.spoj.pl/ This is an online judge system with a very diverse and interesting problems. A feature which is different than other systems I saw before is the support of languages allowed. They support: C (gcc 4.0.0-8) C99 strict (gcc 4.0.0-8) C++ (g++ 4.0.0-8) Pascal (gpc v20030830) Pascal (fpc 2.0.4) Java (j2se jdk 5.0) Nice (nicec 0.9.6) JAR (j2se jdk 5.0) C# (mcs 1.0.1) Nemerle (ncc 0.2.1) Smalltalk (gst 2.1.7) Assembler (nasm 0.98.38) Algol (a60 0.20a-4) Fortran (g77 3.3.3) ADA 95 (gnat 3.15p) Bash (bash 2.05b-15) Perl (perl 5.8.3) Python (python 2.4) Ruby (ruby 1.8.1) Lua (lua 5.0.2) Icon (iconc 9.4.2) Pike (pike 7.4.35) PHP (php 4.3.8-9) Scheme (guile 1.6) Scheme (qobi 0.9+0.10a) Common Lisp (gcl 2.6.5) Common Lisp (clisp 2.33.2) Haskell (ghc 6.4.1) Ocaml (ocaml 3.08.1) Clips (clips 6.21) Prolog (swipl 5.2.7) Whitespace (wspace 0.3) Brainf**k (bf2c) Intercal (ick 0.24) Text (pure text) Would like to see Eu as one of the supported language there, considering that Eu is now open source. Hm,, maybe someone who has expertise in Eu can convince the author of the site to include Eu?