Re: IDE release 0.10.5
- Posted by Derek Parnell <ddparnell at> Aug 13, 2001
Hi Judith, here is a reworking of your code. Hope it helps. ------------------------- --demo of reading xpm_icon.e and trapping the sequence of the xpm and --then adding to window at x,y include win32lib.ew without warning constant win=create(Window,"test xpm",0,0,0,300,320,0) sequence XPM XPM = {} sequence XPMNames XPMNames = {} integer ok function trims(sequence text) integer start, finish start = 1 finish = length(text) --now trim text at right for i=length(text) to 1 by -1 do if text[i]!=' ' then finish = i exit end if end for --now trim text from left for i=1 to finish do if text[i]!=' ' then start = i exit end if end for return text[start .. finish] end function atom hdib procedure onOpen_win() integer handle, ignore, at object text sequence fName, text2 integer eof, XPMI fName="XPM_Icon.e" XPM={} XPMNames = {} eof = False handle=open( fName, "r" ) if handle = -1 then -- give message and exit ignore = message_box( "Open File Error", "Unable to read the file " & fName, MB_ICONHAND+MB_TASKMODAL ) return end if -- parse the file while not eof do -- get a line of text text = gets( handle ) if atom( text ) then exit --EOF end if -- remove line feed if text[length(text)] = '\n' then text= text[1 .. length(text) - 1] end if text=trims(text) if length(text) >= 4 and equal(text[1 .. 4], "XPM_") then XPMNames = append(XPMNames, text) XPM = append(XPM, {}) XPMI = length(XPM) -- If ONLY we had a "continue" statement, this would look a lot cleaner. elsif length(XPM) != 0 then --see dummy test below to see what data looks like at=find( '{', text ) if at then text=text[at+1..length(text)] else at=find( '}', text ) if at then text=text[] end if end if text = trims(text) if length(text) > 0 then if text[1] = '"' then text = text[2 .. length(text)-2] end if if length(text) > 0 then XPM[XPMI] = append(XPM[XPMI], text) end if end if end if end while repaintWindow( win ) --if I need the {} then do --XPM="{" & XPM & "}" --at=message_box(XPM,"",0) --dummy test which works --XPM = { --"24 24 3 1", --" c None", --". c #FFFFFF", --"+ c #808080", --" ", --" ", --" ", --" ", --" ", --" ", --" ", --"........................", --" +", --"+++++++++++++++++ +", --" . . +", --" . .+ +", --" . .+. +", --" . .+.+ +", --"..................+.+ +", --" +", --"++++++++++++++++++++++++", --" ", --" ", --" ", --" ", --" ", --" ", --" "} end procedure procedure paint_win(integer x1, integer y1, integer x2, integer y2) integer x, y -- These values are hard coded but -- you should really get the Rect size of each bitmap -- and window to adjust for full viewing. x = 10 y = 10 for i = 1 to length( XPM ) do hdib=xpmToPixmap(XPM[i]) transBlt(win,x,y,hdib) x += 40 if x > 260 then y += 40 x = 10 end if end for end procedure onPaint[win]=routine_id("paint_win") onOpen[win]=routine_id("onOpen_win") WinMain( win, Normal ) ------------------------------------ The main problem that I saw was that you were not constructing the correct sequence format for the XPM to Pixmap conversion routine. That requires a sequence of sequences. You were building up a sequence of atoms. Using '&' instead of append().