missing something?
- Posted by engale2000 at hotmail.com Aug 12, 2001
Hey I am trying to creat an inventory type of thing for my game. In order to do this I am useing this script: with trace include win32lib.ew without warning integer slot1, slot2, slot3, gold slot1 = 0 slot2 = 0 slot3 = 0 gold = 0 integer hp, mp hp = 20 mp = 10 constant cr = { 13, 10 } constant Main = create( Window, "Dragon", 0, Default, Default, 130, 300, 0 ), GP = create( PushButton, "Gold", Main, 10, 10, 50, 50, 0 ), Healthpos = create( PushButton, "Hp pos", Main, 10, 70, 50, 50, 0 ), Magicpos = create( PushButton, "Mag pos", Main, 10, 140, 50, 50, 0 ), OkButton = create( PushButton, "OK", Main, 10, 210, 100, 50, 0 ), Gl = create( PushButton, "Close", Main, 70, 10, 50, 180, 0 ) procedure Gold() if slot1 = gold then gold = gold + 1 elsif slot1 = 0 then gold = gold + 1 slot1 = gold elsif slot1 != 0 then if slot2 = gold then gold = gold + 1 elsif slot2 = 0 then gold = gold + 1 slot2 = gold elsif slot2 != 0 then if slot3 = gold then gold = gold + 1 elsif slot3 = 0 then gold = gold + 1 slot3 = gold end if end if end if end procedure onClick[GP] = routine_id( "Gold" ) procedure Winopen() object result result = message_box( sprintf( "Slot1 = %d ", {slot1} ) & cr & sprintf( "Slot2 = %d ", {slot2} ) & cr & sprintf( "Slot3 = %d ", {slot3} ) , "List Information", 0 ) end procedure onClick[OkButton] = routine_id( "Winopen" ) procedure close(integer self, integer event, sequence params) closeWindow( Main ) end procedure setHandler({Gl}, w32HClick, routine_id("close")) WinMain( Main, Normal ) one is also occoupied then the item will go to "slot3". well "slot1 = 0" is suposta mean that "slot1 is empty. When you run that script and click "gold" one time and then click "ok" everything is set to 0 witch should mean that it is empty, but you just "picked up a pice of gold" which should set the value to "1" but it dose not. If you click "gold" a second time then click "Ok" the "slot1" is equal to "2" and that is correct. now it appears to be working but it is not. If you click a 3rd time nothing changes from the 2nd time you clicked "gold" and if you click "gold" a 4th time then "slot1" is = to "2" and "slot2" is = to "4", and it SHOULD be where "slot1" is = to "4" and "slot2" is = to "0", as well as "slot3" being = to "0" as it is but if you click "gold" 6 times then click "ok", "slot1" = "2", "slot2" = "4", "slot3" = "6" this just ain't funny guys what did I do wrong? Please show me how to fix this problem.