Re: edb problem
- Posted by Robert Craig <rds at> Nov 15, 2006
Vlado Kusnirak wrote: > Hi, I have small edb database and it has two records with the same key. How > it could happen? I use Euphoria 3.0.0. This problem has never been reported before, so the following questions come to mind... Have you ever used FTP to transfer your .edb file? Have you ever loaded your .edb file into a text editor and saved it? Have you ever tried to manipulate the .edb file directly using your own program, and Euphoria's open()? I just added the following warning to database.htm: .edb files are binary files, not text files. You *must* use BINARY mode when transferring a .edb file via FTP from one machine to another. You must also avoid loading a .edb file into an editor and saving it. If you open a .edb file directly using Euphoria's open(), which is not recommended, you must use binary mode, not text mode. Failure to follow these rules could result in 10 (line-feed) and 13 (carriage-return) bytes being changed, leading to subtle and not-so-subtle forms of corruption in your database. Regards, Rob Craig Rapid Deployment Software