CGI scripting with Euphoria, Apache and RedHat
- Posted by acran at Jun 20, 2002
Hiya all, I just wanted to report that over the last few days I've been working on a CGI script to provide an internal phone book/lookup page on my company's intranet and I used Euphoria on a Linux RedHat system running Apache to do so. I'm still tweaking the code but if anyone is interested (email me) then I can put together a ZIP file for submission to the RDS contributions. Infact this would be a good thing as it will force me to write some documentation I've done some CGI scripting before using UNIX shell (sh) and even C programs (most _sensible_ people would use Perl but I have a mental block with Perl) but once I'd got the basics in place with Euphoria it just became really easy to prototype (and keep) something really functional and useful. My next plans are for Euphoria CGI scripts to list open call/trouble tickets and allow call details to be displayed. Infact the possibilties are huge. I really think that CGI is an area that Euphoria can compete in and win hands down over Perl. Longer term I would like our company's external website to have a Euphoria CGI script here and there and then it would be a really good advertisement for the language. We've had the "Powered by Apache" GIF images, now it's time for "Powered by Euphoria" GIF's! Regards, Andy Cranston.