Re: sorting points or rectangles
- Posted by Dan Moyer <DANIELMOYER at> Feb 23, 2002
Tone, Ok, on the assumption that you *do* want to find any rectangle that is even partly within another (all oriented parallel to x-y axes), the following should do it, I think even with decimal coordinates, though I didn't test that. It finds approx. 7000 hits from 20000 possibles in about .11 seconds. And it saves all hits (full coords.) in a sequence. I don't know if you want to "clip" portions of the intersecting rectangles of not, nor if you did, which (portion of big or portion of small) you might want to clip. A note on the displayed output: I made one hit per trial display, so I could check to see if it was actually finding ones that were not wholly inside the big rectangle; but the coordinates of the upper left corner of the big one, {200,200}, display as some printer characters instead of numbers when using print.e Dan Moyer -- CODE FOLLOWS: -- TEST TO SEE IF ANY RECTANGLE IS AT LEAST PARTLY INSIDE A BIGGER ONE: -- for rectangles each defined by 4 corner points in this order: -- left-upper xy, right-upper xy, right-lower xy, left-lower xy: -- {{lux,luy}, {rux, ruy}, {rlx,rly},{llx,lly}} include misc.e -- to use sprint include print.e -- to allow "pretty print" of whole sequences -- lu = left upper corner, ru = right upper corner, -- rl = right lower, ll = left lower constant lu = 1, ru = 2, rl= 3, ll = 4, x = 1, y = 2 sequence testRects testRects = repeat({{0,0},{0,0},{0,0},{0,0}}, 20000) sequence BigRectangle BigRectangle = {{200,200},{699,200},{699,699},{200,699}} sequence aHit -- to store corner coords of rectangles partly in big one aHit = {} integer hit hit = 0 atom TotHits, TotTime -- used to get averages TotHits = 0 TotTime = 0 atom stime, etime -- start and end times of tests -- borrowed following two from Derek, & then altered 2nd: -- Generate some test data. function randrange(object range) if atom(range) then return rand(range) end if return rand(range[2]-range[1]+1) + range[1] - 1 end function procedure makeTestData() for i = 1 to length(testRects) do testRects[i][lu][x] = randrange({50,950}) testRects[i][lu][y] = randrange({50,950}) testRects[i][ru][x] = testRects[i][lu][x] + randrange(100) testRects[i][ru][y] = testRects[i][lu][y] testRects[i][rl][x] = testRects[i][ru][x] testRects[i][rl][y] = testRects[i][lu][y] + randrange(100) testRects[i][ll][x] = testRects[i][lu][x] testRects[i][ll][y] = testRects[i][rl][y] end for end procedure -- determines if a rectangle is at least partly inside the big one: function IsPartlyInside(sequence OuterRect, sequence PossPrtlyInside) if (PossPrtlyInside[lu][x] > OuterRect[lu][x] and -- PossPrtlyInside[lu][x] < OuterRect[ru][x] and --left upper in big PossPrtlyInside[lu][y] > OuterRect[lu][y] and -- PossPrtlyInside[lu][y] < OuterRect[ll][y]) or (PossPrtlyInside[ru][x] > OuterRect[lu][x] and -- PossPrtlyInside[ru][x] < OuterRect[ru][x] and --right upper in big PossPrtlyInside[ru][y] > OuterRect[lu][y] and -- PossPrtlyInside[ru][y] < OuterRect[ll][y]) or (PossPrtlyInside[rl][x] > OuterRect[lu][x] and -- PossPrtlyInside[rl][x] < OuterRect[ru][x] and --right lower in big PossPrtlyInside[rl][y] > OuterRect[lu][y] and -- PossPrtlyInside[rl][y] < OuterRect[ll][y]) or (PossPrtlyInside[ll][x] > OuterRect[lu][x] and -- PossPrtlyInside[ll][x] < OuterRect[ru][x] and --left lower in big PossPrtlyInside[ll][y] > OuterRect[lu][y] and -- PossPrtlyInside[ll][y] < OuterRect[ll][y]) then return 1 -- for true else return 0 -- for false end if end function procedure doAtest() makeTestData() -- make new test rectangles each test hit = 0 aHit = {} stime = time() for n = 1 to length(testRects) do if IsPartlyInside(BigRectangle, testRects[n]) then hit += 1 aHit &= {testRects[n]} -- save coords of partly inside rectangle end if end for etime = time() - stime puts(1, "\nhits= " & sprint(hit) & " in " & sprint(etime) & " seconds\n") puts(1, "length of hits sequence: " & sprint(length(aHit)) & "\n") puts(1, "big rectangle: ") print(1, BigRectangle) puts(1, "\na smaller rectangle: ") print(1, aHit[1]) -- just show one of them puts(1, "\n") TotTime += etime TotHits += hit end procedure for m = 1 to 10 do doAtest() end for puts(1, "\naverage of " & sprint(floor(TotHits/10)) & " hits in average of " & sprint(TotTime/10) & " seconds,\nout of 10 trials of 20,000 rectangles each trial.") -- CODE ENDS ----- Original Message ----- From: <tone.skoda at> > > I get it. > No, I don't have any situations like that. > My rectangles are all about same size and don't have whole numbers for > coordinates, like this 100000.321. > > Something like that: > > Please view in a fixed-width font such as > Courier. > > +--------+------+-----+---------+ > | | | | +-+-------+ > | | | ++-------+-+--+ | > | +---+------+----++-+ | | | | > +----+---+------+----++-+-----+-+ | | > | | | | | | > |+--------+ | | +----+----+ > || | | | | > ++--------+-----+--+ | > | | | | > | | +-------------+ > +--------+ > > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Dan Moyer" <DANIELMOYER at> > > > > tone, > > > > A rectangle could be *tilted* with respect to the screen, but still have 4 > > 90 degree corners. Do you have any situations like that to consider? > > > > Dan Moyer > >