Keyboard Trapper
- Posted by mistertrik at Feb 05, 2002
When programming a game in dos, (ex.exe) I found that when you call get_key() it will only return the last key pressed. That is all well and good for simple things. However, in say a driving game the user will want to hold the accelerator on whilst going round a corner (ie need two keys at once reported). The perfect solution would be a function that returned a string containing all keys being held down at that time, and something that would detect the shift, ctrl etc keys (maybe have special codes for them). I.e. code ... s = get_key_string() --s is now a sequence if find(UP, s) then accel() elsif find(DOWN, s) then brake() elsif find(LEFT, s) then turn(-1) elsif find(RIGHT, s) then turn(1) end if ... /code Now does any such function exist? or anything like it? I also need a function like that for a virtual perkins brailler that I am working on. ===================================================== .______<-------------------\__ / _____<--------------------__|=== ||_ <-------------------/ \__| Mr Trick