Re: Shrinking bitmaps
- Posted by Jiri Babor <jbabor at PARADISE.NET.NZ> Feb 04, 2002
Graeme is good at sarcasm: >>I just did a quick speed test expanding a 64x64 bitmap to twice its size, > >and my *unoptimized* routine seems to be almost 4 times faster than yours. > > Was it? I'll remember that next time I'm resizing a postage stamp. Innocently I thought a 128x128 bitmap was a more practical example than 6400x4800, roughly the size of Australian ego. This time Graeme is in really good form: > The thing that has escaped your casual inspection is the way the return > bitmap is built. Your routine uses a sequence the size of the target bitmap. In line 7 of my resize function the return sequence is clearly initialized as a column just one integer wide. It does not take exceptional analytical skills to see that. Or does it? Enough. jiri