Exotica 1.3 Released

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EXOTICA Version 1.3
A DirectX Game Programming Library for Euphoria
(c)1999 Todd A. Riggins


Note: Exotica requires DirectX7.0 to program with.

New Stuff:
 * Video mode switching functions.

 * More mouse functions: MOUSE_Z() sports that little wheel that
   you may have on your mouse. DirectX has include support for
   8 buttons for the mouse which Exotica supports as well.

 * More Bitmap manipulation functions.

 * The put_pixel and get_pixel routines are now split up to
   PAL_PUT_PIXEL and PAL_GET_PIXEL for 8bit palette mode and
   RGB_PUT_PIXEL and RGB_GET_PIXEL for 16bit and up mode depths.

 * Added JOYSTICK_CONTROL_PANEL. This opens up the Windows Game
   Controllers Application in your control panel.

 * Added a couple more examples...

Brief Fixes:
 * The colors where all screwed up when trying to use any of the
   text and graphic functions that require a color parameter.
   That's fixed now...

 * The streamming wave playback now works correctly...

 * If you were familiar with J_INFO routines, they are now gone
   to make life easier coding for joystick support.


- Todd Riggins

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