Re: Other information and dates of an archive
- Posted by Sergio Gelli <sergelli at> Feb 04, 2007
CChris wrote: > Btw, Sergio, that is exactly what my "orientation" was.... > > CChris OK, CCris, I made plus some changes and finally I am getting the dates modified, created and last access. But, look at below the behavior of the EuCode with GTMs different, Greenwich and Bras�a: windows explorer dates with GTM = greenwich modified= 2007/02/03 08:55 creation= 2007/02/03 18:18 accessed= 2007/02/03 00:00 Eucode dates with GTM = Greenwich modified= 2007/02/03 08:55 creation= 2007/02/03 18:18 accessed= 2007/02/03 00:00 windows explorer dates with GTM = -03:00= Brasília modified= 2007/02/03 08:55 creation= 2007/02/03 18:18 accessed= 2007/02/04 00:00 Eucode dates with GTM = -03:00= Brasília modified= 2007/02/03 10:55 creation= 2007/02/03 20:18 accessed= 2007/02/03 02:00 However, the GTM is not being considered and this results in differences in the value of the hours. It is probable that we will have that to find which GTM is being used and to make additions or reductions in the value of the hour to show it correctly. But how meeting the value of the GTM in the machine that the Eucode is running? Many thanks again, Sérgio Gelli - Brasil <EuCode> include win32lib.ew sequence fname,creation,lastAccess,updated fname="C:\\ex.err" --"C:\\boot.ini" -- set this to the actual file name atom hfile,year,month,dow,day,hour,min,sec,msec integer rc ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure wwait(object messag ) atom result,rr rr=getSelf() if sequence (messag) then result = message_box(messag ,"Mensagem !", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION + MB_TASKMODAL) else result = message_box(sprintf( "%d\n",messag), "Mensagem !", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION + MB_TASKMODAL) end if -- setFocus(rr) end procedure ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure makeDate(sequence field,object data) year = peek(data + 0) + (peek(data + 1) * 256) month = peek(data + 2) + (peek(data + 3) * 256) dow = peek(data + 4) + (peek(data + 5) * 256) day = peek(data + 6) + (peek(data + 7) * 256) hour = peek(data + 8) + (peek(data + 9) * 256) min = peek(data + 10) + (peek(data + 11) * 256) sec = peek(data + 12) + (peek(data + 13) * 256) msec = peek(data + 14) + (peek(data + 15) * 256) if match(field,"system_create_time") then creation=sprintf("%04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",{year,month,day,hour,min,sec}) elsif match(field,"system_last_access") then lastAccess=sprintf("%04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",{year,month,day,hour,min,sec}) elsif match(field,"system_last_write") then updated=sprintf("%04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",{year,month,day,hour,min,sec}) end if end procedure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- wrap a few functions from kernel32.dll constant kernel32=open_dll("kernel32.dll"), gft=define_c_func(kernel32,"GetFileTime",repeat(C_POINTER,4),C_LONG), ft2st=define_c_func(kernel32,"FileTimeToSystemTime",repeat(C_POINTER,2),C_LONG), cf=define_c_func(kernel32,"CreateFileA",repeat(C_POINTER,7),C_POINTER), ch=define_c_func(kernel32,"CloseHandle",{C_POINTER},C_LONG), -- reserving some memory mem_area=allocate(72), -- area for raw data create_time=mem_area, last_access=mem_area+8, last_write=mem_area+16, -- area for usable data system_create_time=mem_area+24, system_last_access=mem_area+40, system_last_write=mem_area+56, -- this flag is used later: it tells the OS to fail upon opening a file -- which doesn't exist OPEN_EXISTING = 3 -- set hfile to a handle on your file hfile=c_func(cf,{allocate_string(fname), 0, 0, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0}) if not hfile then -- something went wrong, do something useful here end if -- now we have a file handle, let's get the timestamps -- you may wish to check if rc=0, which notifies of an error rc=c_func(gft,{hfile,create_time,last_access,last_write}) -- convert the data to something of use. Again, rc=0 means soething went wrong rc=c_func(ft2st,{create_time,system_create_time}) makeDate("system_create_time",system_create_time) rc=c_func(ft2st,{last_access,system_last_access}) makeDate("system_last_access",system_last_access) rc=c_func(ft2st,{last_write,system_last_write}) makeDate("system_last_write",system_last_write) wwait(sprintf("modified = %s \ncreation = %s \nlastAccess = %s",{updated, creation, lastAccess})) rc=c_func(ch,{hfile}) </EuCode>