Shrouding files...

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Hello all!

I have been trying to shroud a file which I have written.  It is a .e
which is to be included in a number of programs.  I want to keep the
source to myself.
However, the shroud seems to have completed properly, but when I execute
a normal, unshrouded .ex file which calls the routine I get an error:
Cd(Dd)  Dd not defined.  This could be that I am trying to use Global
constants to let the user configure the routine from the calling .ex file
which are obviously called something totally different in the shrouded .e

Will I have to forget about making the routine user configurable?  Would
it be more sensible to add keys which would change these parameters as
the routine is running or locate the lines in the shrouded file which the
user can change (after all it is only colour, sort configuration!)

Any ideas?

PS: Reply personally please, as I'm not actually on the mailing list yet!
u5ms at              

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