Defeating Murphy's laws and a new challenge
- Posted by rforno at Apr 17, 2003
Pete and all: I've made some more optimizations to the program for splitting a series of numbers into two having the closest sums. In the previous version, if all the numbers were multiples of 7, for example, the convergence was incredibly slow. Now, I use the maximum common divisor to compute the best possible results, and it goes really fast in these cases. I added another small optimization. What perplexes me is that this algorithm defeats Murphy's laws. In fact, it is nearly impossible to find a data set to make it run slow. This is the new challenge for all: find this kind of data set. As this problem is closely related to what is called the knapsack problem, I wonder if this solution can be applied to it. When I have some more spare time, I'll give it a try. Years ago I wrote a program in APL for filling to brim a number of diskettes. I'm thinking of translating it into Euphoria. Regards. The new algorithm: --Group numbers into two groups such that their sums are as close as possible --R. M. Forno 2003/04/17 include sort.e include get.e include misc.e include machine.e integer Last, Lendata, Bestlast, Lowind atom Lowgoal, Highgoal, Val, Bestval, Totval, Limit, Bound sequence Data, Index, Accum, Bestind set_rand(2) with profile_time function Mcd2(integer d, integer r) integer x while r do x = remainder(d, r) d = r r = x end while return d end function function Mcd(sequence s) integer len, r len = length(s) r = s[len] for i = len - 1 to 1 by -1 do if r = 1 then return r end if r = Mcd2(r, s[i]) end for return r end function function readseq() --Read a sequence of integers from the keyboard or from a redirected file sequence s, r s = {} while 1 do r = get(0) if r[1] != GET_SUCCESS or not integer(r[2]) then exit end if s &= r[2] end while return s end function procedure outputresult() --Output resulting partitions sequence aux aux = repeat(0, Lendata) for i = 1 to Lendata do aux[i] = i end for for i = 1 to Bestlast do aux[Bestind[i]] = 0 end for printf(1, "Best solution values: %d %d\n", {Bestval, Totval - Bestval}) puts(1, "Partition 1:\n") for i = 1 to Bestlast do printf(1, "%d ", Data[Bestind[i]]) end for puts(1, '\n') puts(1, "Partition 2:\n") for i = 1 to Lendata do if aux[i] then printf(1, "%d ", Data[aux[i]]) end if end for puts(1, '\n') end procedure function recurse() integer ind, r, dat, i1 if Val > Highgoal then --Impossible to get better values return 0 elsif Val < Lowgoal then --Try to go ahead if Val >= Bound then if Val > Bestval then --Test for better value Bestval = Val --Update best value and corresponding indexes Bestlast = Last if Lowind <= Last then Bestind[Lowind..Last] = Index[Lowind..Last] end if Lowind = Last end if end if if Val > Limit then --Impossible to get better values return 0 end if ind = Index[Last] --Go to next data item while 1 do i1 = ind --Previous ind += 1 if ind > Lendata then --End of data vector return 0 end if if Val + Accum[ind] <= Bestval then --Impossible to get better value return 0 end if dat = Data[ind] if dat != Data[i1] or Index[Last] = i1 then --Skip repetition Last += 1 --Try next index Index[Last] = ind Val += dat r = recurse() if r then --Best possible value found return 1 end if Val -= dat --Restore previous value Last -= 1 if Lowind < Last then --Update updating start Lowind = Last end if end if end while else Bestval = Val --Either Val = Lowgoal or Val = Highgoal Bestlast = Last Bestind = Index return 1 --Indicate best possible value found end if end function procedure optim() integer r Bestval = 0 Last = 1 Bestlast = 1 Index[1] = 1 Val = Data[1] Limit = Highgoal - Data[Lendata] Bound = Lowgoal - Data[1] Bestind = Index Lowind = 1 r = recurse() end procedure function genrand(integer n, integer m) sequence s s = 7 * rand(repeat(n, m)) return s end function procedure main() atom t integer a, b, mcd, r a = 10000 b = 1000000 -- Data = readseq() Data = genrand(a, b) t = time() Lendata = length(Data) Index = repeat(0, Lendata) if Lendata = 0 then Bestlast = 0 Totval = 0 Bestval = 0 elsif Lendata = 1 then Bestlast = 1 Bestind = {1} Totval = Data[1] Bestval = Totval else Data = reverse(sort(Data)) Accum = Data for i = Lendata to 2 by -1 do Accum[i - 1] += Accum[i] end for Totval = Accum[1] Lowgoal = floor(Totval * 0.5) Highgoal = - floor(- Totval * 0.5) mcd = Mcd(Data) Lowgoal -= remainder(Lowgoal, mcd) r = remainder(Highgoal, mcd) if r then Highgoal += mcd - r end if optim() end if printf(2, "n = %d m = %d Sum1 = %d Sum2 = %d Time: %f\n", {a, b, Bestval, Totval - Bestval, time() - t}) outputresult() end procedure main()