The Euphorian Way
- Posted by jbrown105 at Jun 30, 2001
--17pEHd4RhPHOinZp --17pEHd4RhPHOinZp Euphoria isn't very popular. This is despite it's ease of use, it's simplicity, and it configurability. The precise reason for this is because Euphoria currently doesn't have what it takes to be popular. Two types of languages tend to be popular: those w/ great commercial backing by powerful companies who invest millions of dollors in the language and those which are open-source and supported by hundreds (or thousands) of developers. It is possible that RDS will become a great company and Euphoria will be supported in this multi-million dollor system, or that some other company will take over Euphoria and make it great. However, that would be the end of the great Euphorian community. The other way would be for RDS to make Euphoria open-source, while this could benifit the Euphorian community, it would be the death of RDS. The best approach, as I see it, would be for not RDS, or some other company, or some outside, but for the Euphorian community to come together and add enhancements to Euphoria outside of the control of RDS. For example: supposing the enhanced Eu was called Eu+, preprocessors written in Eu (or Eu+) to add stuff such as "def..end def", "select case", "object x = 0", etc. Then, an alternate include library for Eu+. Possibly even psuedo-coded Eu, which would be translated (in a secret way) to normal Eu, although that would be hard to do in an open community (aside from normal Eu having that already as shrounding). The heart of Eu+ would be the euphoria interpreter, but Eu+ preprocessors and special Eu+ librarys (both written in Eu or Eu+) would allow Euphoria to gain popularity and be developed by hundreds of people (like the open-source languages) while letting RDS still control the heart of it. As long as RDS still has a unlimited usage free version (i.e. a trial version that never expires), Euphoria can emulate the open-source w/ out being open-source. --17pEHd4RhPHOinZp--