Re: Wishlist
- Posted by david at Jun 27, 2001
While we're on wishes... I'd like x++ and x-- to be equivalent to x +=1 and x -=1. I keep using them automatically without thinking - what comes from a past using C and enhanced Psion OPL! And from even further back in my programming history, but something I've missed since using Algol - for i = {1,4,5.6,e/2, sin(theta)} do (something with i) next which then does the loop for the values in the sequence, one at a time. This is actually not quite the same as s = {1,4,5.6,e/2,sin(theta) } for i=1 to 5 do (something with s[i]) next since the e/2 is allocated when the loop gets to it, not before, and e might have changed since then! -- ------------------ ------------------------- |\avid Aldred / David at \ Nottingham, England |/ --------------------------------