- Posted by Tony Bucholtz <tony_bucholtz at hotmail.com> Jun 24, 2001
G'day all Just to add my $0.02 to the namespace debate... I like the idea of library namespacing using the syntax "include <library> as <namespace>". I won't bore you by repeating all the good reasons already discussed. I'd also like the ability to define my own namespace, using syntax like "namespace <namespace>" or similar. What I'd *really* like to be able to do is something like the following: include kdewrap.eu as kde include gnomewrap.eu as gnome include motifwrap.eu as motif include xwinwrap.eu as xwindows namespace lib sequence whatlib <some code here> if equal(whatlib, "KDE") lib = kde elsif equal(whatlib, "GNOME") lib = gnome elsif equal(whatlib, "MOTIF") lib = motif elsif equal(whatlib, "XWINDOWS") lib = xwindows else telluser("Yo! Dummy! You didn't choose a library!") abort(0) end if myvar1 = lib.function1(parms1) myvar2 = lib.function2(parms2, parms3, parms4) myvar3 = lib.function27(parms15, parms2) if condition myvar4 = kde.function98(parms11, parms35) else myvar4 = lib.function98(parms11, parms47) end if <etc> Hopefully the above describes my thinking ;) Regards Tony