Printing a Bitmap (Win32lib)
- Posted by david at Jun 15, 2001
I asked for help on this a bit ago.... no answer... is there really no-one there who can help? I'm trying to print a bitmap from a windows program. Here's the code: procedure PrintButton_onClick () sequence result atom hBitmap result = getPrinter() if length( result ) then if not startDoc( "Trial Bitmap Print") then return end if if not startPage() then return end if hBitmap = loadBitmapFromFile("c:\\euphoria\\projects\\test.bmp" ) drawBitmap( Printer, hBitmap, 1, 1 ) if not endPage() then return end if if not endDoc() then return end if releasePrinter() end if end procedure This should load a bitmap, then print it: in fact what happens is that I get an error message telling me bitblt failed. If I tell it to continue anyway, I get a solid black square printed - it's the size of the bitmap in question but the bitmap isn't plain black! What's wrong? I've tried looking back through the mailing list archive but there doesn't seem to be a solution there.... -- ------------------ ------------------------- |\avid Aldred / David at \ Nottingham, England |/ --------------------------------