Re: Question on scope
- Posted by Derek Parnell <ddparnell at> Dec 18, 2001
19/12/2001 12:07:25 PM, jzeitlin at wrote: > >>You can include foo.e again if you want. >>All subsequent includes of foo.e will be ignored (no error), >>except that you can specify a namespace identifier on >>any include statement, and even have multiple identifiers >>refering to the same include file. > >Good to know. Leads to a new question: Suppose I have included foo.e as >bar and as baz. Is it possible to write a procedure that overrides one of >the publics in one of the namespaces? IOW, can I define namespaces other >than by includes? If this is answered in the docs, tell me so - I haven't >had the chance to read them thoroughly, only glanced through them. > Unfortunately, no. Namespaces can only be declared via the include statement. If a file is included multiple times, each with a different namespace identifier, then all that happens is that the globals in the include file are only instantiated once but have multiple aliases. Thus is foo.e has a global called "XYZ" then include foo.e as n1 include foo.e as n2 means that there is only one "XYZ" in memory but it can be referenced as ... n1:XYZ or n2:XYZ or just XYZ if there are no other global XYZ defined in *other* included files or the current file. With the example above, the following code ... n1:XYZ = 0 n2:XYZ = 1 ? n1:XYZ will print out the value 1, because there is one a single XYZ in memory that both namespaces, n1 and n2, refer to. On a personal note, I am very disappointed that RDS chose to implement it this way. I was looking forward to having multiple includes instantiate multiple "objects" in memory. Oh well, may be later. --------- Derek.