Re: goddamn equasions
- Posted by Al Getz <xaxo at AOL.COM> Sep 15, 2000
koda, One additional point with that special system: [5] ln(135/a)= B1*b + C1*c + D1*d [6] ln(360/a)= B2*b + 2*C1*c [7] ln(765/a)= B3*b + 3*C1*c + D3*d [8] ln(130/a)= B4*b + C1*c + D1*d with the help of the relationship: ln(A/B)=ln(A)-ln(B) you can convert to an "almost" total linear system: ln(135)= B1*b + C1*c + D1*d + ln(a) ln(360)= B2*b + 2*C1*c + ln(a) ln(765)= B3*b + 3*C1*c + D3*d + ln(a) ln(130)= B4*b + C1*c + D1*d + ln(a) and solve by the usual method of simultaneous solutions: x = M^(-1) * v { x,v vectors, M square matrix } Then: a = e^(ln (a) ) constants repeated here: B1=ln(1000) B2=ln(950) B3=ln(900) B4=ln(850) C1=.2 D1=ln(.1) D3=ln(5) Usually you need to use numerical analysis with these types of equations. This was a very special case. --Al