Re: GRAPHICS.EU problems
- Posted by Mike Sabal <MikeS at NOTATIONS.COM> Sep 14, 2000
Thanks for bringing this to my attention. That was one of 3 demos I couldn't get to run easily (out of more than a dozen), but I had thought it was from the image routines (having registered DOS/WIN but not Linux yet). The other two were plot3d and langwar. Rob: may I have permission to include the DOS graphics demos in the zip file for Linux users? As soon as I have a chance this weekend, I'll make the fix. I'll also try to emulate the get_position routine; but I still believe it's for text mode only. >>> xotron at PCOM.NET 09/14/00 01:49PM >>> -- Mike: When you run WIRE.EX in LINUX the draw_line procedure is trying to use FLOATING POINT NUMBERS for coordinates. For some reason ( which Rob might know ) the M_LINE machine procedure seems converts them internally to integers. A temporary fix until you figure out what is wrong is to use floor on each coordinate like the following in the draw_line procedure. -- vga_drawline(xyarray[ctr-1][1],xyarray[ctr-1][2],xyarray[ctr][1], -- xyarray[ctr][2]) vga_drawline(floor(xyarray[ctr-1][1]),floor(xyarray[ctr-1][2]), floor(xyarray[ctr][1]), floor(xyarray[ctr][2])) This will allow WIRE.EX to run in LINUX, but I don't know if the other demos will have other problems. Bernie