Suggestion for Euphoria 2.3, 2.2a, 2.2.1, whatever
- Posted by "Darth Maul, aka Matt" <Uglyfish87 at HOTMAIL.COM> Sep 07, 2000
I noticed several things that C has that Euphoria doesn't. Among these are structs and switch statements. It should be easy to implement a struct like: struct thisStruct do integer a, b sequence st end struct And as for the switch statements: switch a do case 1 do puts(1,"a is 1\n") elsif 2 do puts(1,"a is 2\n") else puts(1,"a is some other value\n") end case end switch And one feature that even secondbestlanguageintheworld Java doesn't have! Using plain old math operators on sequences. Maybe you could say, 'st = "hi"' instead of the current 'equals(st,"hi")' or 'compare(st,"hi")=0'. This would be much clearer. - Thx for listening