Re: How check for "path/file exists"?
- Posted by Al Getz <xaxo at AOL.COM> Sep 04, 2000
TESTING FOR A VALID PATH Dan, The problem with opening a file to test for validity is that you can't open a directory name, so here's what i use: -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Path Validation Check -- -- checks for valid directory or filename -------------------------------------------------------------- include file.e include get.e --for this sample only atom retv,ink function ValidatePath(sequence TargetPathName,sequence TargetFileName) object DirEntries DirEntries=dir(TargetPathName&TargetFileName) if atom(DirEntries) then --doesnt exist return 0 else return 1 end if end function --testing for a valid specific filename: ?retv --testing for a valid directory name: ?retv printf(1,"%s\n",{"Press a key..."}) ink=wait_key() ---------------------------------------------------------------- Good luck. --Al